Blossoming Bliss Transformation

The aim of this retreat is to equip you with practical tools that will assist you in thriving in a state of harmony and bliss. It is the most comprehensive program I offer, a remarkable spiritual intensive that will elevate your inner self and rejuvenate your spirit.

During this retreat, you will be empowered with holistic tools that revolve around six themes:

1. Nutrition: The food we consume has a significant impact on our environment and emotions. A 2021 study published in the journal Environmental Research found that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables was associated with lower levels of perceived stress and better mental health outcomes in young adults. The study involved 1,179 participants and found that those who consumed more fruits and vegetables had lower levels of perceived stress and better mental health outcomes compared to those who consumed fewer fruits and vegetables. We will delve into:

  • Finding pleasure in preparing delicious, high-frequency nutritious meals.
  • Understanding our three treasures and how to nourish them using the appropriate tonic herbs to achieve optimal holistic balance.
  • Effective approaches to incorporate intermittent fasting and make it a powerful gateway to the Divine.

2. Gardening: a series of workshops personally customized for you to help you thrive and live free. Are you more interested in an abundant indoor urban production or an outdoor food forest? Incorporating fresh alive organic goodness in our diet makes feel more alive! I will guide you to create a low input high output system adapted to your needs while using incredible techniques like electroculture to create massive abundance.

3. Spiritual: I’ll  share with you some tips for maintaining a positive attitude and ways to stay in balance when challenged with opportunities to leave our center. We’ll learn how to get intimate with our breath and use it as a superpower. Breathing properly is a profound experience that rejuvenates the body and provides support for incredible spiritual opportunities. It helps reconnect us reconnect to the Divine and helps us better master our thoughts and emotions. I’ll guide you to experience this long lasting liberating experience.

4. Exercise: Movement is the easiest way to charge up and strengthen your energy bodies and aura. EMF’s, radiation, stress and negativity have less effect on you when exercising every day. I’ll share with you a some movements that’ll help you be consistent to make it a permanent daily practice, easy yet efficient even when you’re on those lazy days. In time you will realize the benefits.

5. Technologies: In a world where we use all types of different technologies everyday, why not use powerful technologies that can heal us and raise our frequency? We’ll discuss and discover healing technologies that’ll assist us on every level during our ascension path and help us stabilize our I AM THAT presence into a consistent state of awareness. From Enemas and colon hydrotherapy, to grounding and EMF protection, to frequency machines and electro therapy, to magnetic therapy and tachyon, these technologies will give you a natural high and raise your vibration on every level.

6. Sleep: The importance of sleep cannot be overstated, as it is closely tied to the overall health of our brain. A 2019 study published in the journal JAMA Neurology found that poor sleep quality was associated with the accumulation of beta-amyloid, a protein that forms plaques in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. The study involved 101 older adults and found that those who reported poor sleep quality had higher levels of beta-amyloid in their brains. 
We’ll first breakdown why you don’t want to get by with less sleep and which tools are best for optimal holistic regeneration.
We’ll then breakdown different ways to be more conscious and aware through lucid dreaming and Yoga Nidra learning to use our subconscious to treat conditions like recurring nightmares, PTSD and other mental health conditions.

We’ll share experiences that are beyond ordinary and you’ll discover ways to live your truth and gain a blissful life right now wherever you are, without the need to run for the hills or meditate in a cave. 

As you tap into your innermost Divine potential, you will feel empowered to take the next step towards true liberation.
Transformational change can happen daily as a result of living out of this conscious awareness.

Blossoming Bliss Group

Duration: 7 days
    All workshops & Retreats are customizable and are designed to meet your individual needs.

Life long investment:

Zoom price (4 hours daily for 7 days) : USD $1540

In person : USD $3300 (accommodation included)

* As a globetrotter, the treatments, workshops and retreats I offer pop up all over the map. If you’re ready to experience something new and life-changing, contact me and I'll reveal my current whereabouts and available dates. Let's make magic happen!

This educational material is provided under freedom of speech for your information only. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health practitioners from whom we encourage you to seek advice about treatment or care.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administraton. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.