Quantum Healing

Step into wide-spectrum healing and empowerment with this unique 1hr15min treatment which combines Breathwork with Electro Therapy.

USD $133 for 1 hr 15 min
USD $233 for 2 hours
USD $1066 if you book for 10 sessions.
You will not be the same person after your 10th session, it will change your life!

* As a globetrotter, the treatments, workshops and retreats I offer pop up all over the map. If you’re ready to experience something new and life-changing, contact me and I'll reveal my current whereabouts and available dates. Let's make magic happen!

Learn more about the technologies I use during the treatments Here.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.