
Discover why individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds, including children, couples, corporates, and those struggling with addiction, are experiencing positive outcomes from this one-hour breathwork session.


This customizable session caters to both individuals and groups, offering a diverse range of breathwork techniques tailored to the specific intentions of each participant. You will be guided through a set of practices that can be incorporated into your daily routine, resulting in enhanced relationships, heightened mental clarity, and a profound sense of purpose and direction in life.

Breath is the one constant in our lives. No matter what happens, it's always there for us. While we may lose other things like our wealth or friends, our breath remains a constant companion. This is why developing an intimate relationship with your breath can be so powerful and transformative.

As peace and clarity naturally manifest during this breathwork session, past wounds are healed and patterns that are no longer serving start to shed. As a result, you can gain a deeper sense of self-acceptance, as well as acceptance of your personal history and the larger fabric of life.

Incorrect breathing patterns can trigger the “fight or flight” response in your body, which can create a persistent state of stress. However, by correcting these patterns, you can break this cycle and help your mind and body find greater calm and balance. Fortunately, interrupting this cycle is possible.

This session offers a path to stepping into your personal power, utilizing your breath to gain mastery over your thoughts and emotions, and cultivating greater harmony and peace in your life. By learning how to integrate breathing exercises into your daily routine, you can unlock your full human potential and embark on the journey of the hero, taking charge of your life and becoming the author of your own story. Through this process, you’ll discover how to show up authentically and confidently in any situation, tapping into your unique greatness and purpose.

Breathwork Class

Humanitarian Breathwork Collaborations - I’m interested in collaborating with individuals who share my vision and are committed to using their energy and resources to promote the greater good. If you believe that our joint efforts could be beneficial and productive, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

* As a globetrotter, the treatments, workshops and retreats I offer pop up all over the map. If you’re ready to experience something new and life-changing, contact me and I'll reveal my current whereabouts and available dates. Let's make magic happen!

What to bring:
Comfortable clothes
Yoga Mat
Drinking Water
*Come on empty stomach or only eat light prior to the session - fruits advised*

(USD rates for a 1 hour session) 1-3 sessions 3 or more sessions
Private session for 1 or 2 persons $110 / person / session $95 / person / session
Group of 3- 15 people $88 / person / session $74 / person / session
Group of 15- 50 $55 / person / session $46 / person / session
Group of 50 or more $33 / person / session $28 / person / session

This educational material is provided under freedom of speech for your information only. It is not intended to substitute for the medical expertise and advice of your health practitioners from whom we encourage you to seek advice about treatment or care.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.